Sometimes we are the only path to God that others will see...I will be more mindful of that as I walk through my days...I'll be choosing words and attitudes, smiles and hugs, prayers and affirmation.
I'll work very hard to NOT choose to use my words to criticize, ridicule or patronize anyone - even if my words are only in my thoughts. I don't want to say or do anything that would be detrimental to Christ, His love, and His kingdom's work. I fail with this, but I'm trying.
I want my attitudes towards others - and life in general - to be one of love and acceptance of their humanity, not one that says I'm better than you because I do/don't ___________________________________ (fill in the blank here...).
My smile needs to be a reflection of the deep gratitude and humility of all that God has given me. He has given me His son as payment for my sin. I could never in a brazillion years deserve that. Period. And He has chose to bestow many, many, many, many more blessings in my life.
My prayers need to reflect things that will make a difference for His kingdom. And they need to reflect that He is priority for me. It's taken me a long time to turn my prayers from my selfish desires to genuinely seeking to be used of Him. His work THROUGH me...Him using me, not me using Him.
It's a tall order, this Christian walk. But I'm pretty sure it's do-able.
So let's do it together. :) You in?
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