Sunday, January 06, 2013

Take time to make time

As I sit down to try to put some meaningful words together, it strikes me at how long it has been since I have done much of anything worthwhile for the Kingdom. How sad that is. Over the last 7 months or so, we have sold our home, moved to a rental home, then bought a new one and had to make one final move. Throw in work, Thanksgiving, Christmas, life in general, and it seems like I've been busy. Then, I look at my notes from church today and read a question that I wrote down... "Do you feel like you don't have time for anything "God"?"

Hmm... maybe I have actually identified one of my biggest problems. Finding time for God (Bible study, prayer, discipleship, writing, reaching out to others, etc.).

It's not often that I have trouble finding time for my family (although my daughters may argue that point), or for my job - I show up every day; I also seem to make it to the grocery store for food, gas station for fuel. I also shop for things I want (instead of need), go out to dinner, maybe enjoy a coke with a friend. I browse the internet for bargains, or news stories, or vacation destinations. My iPhone has a ton of apps that I use for fun. I watch NCIS on a faithful basis. Our clothes get washed, dog gets fed, etc.

So you see, I have time for "things". My issue - gulp - is that I have chosen to not have time for God. Ouch. That one stings. Why do I put God behind frivolity? I don't need to "make" time for Him, I simply need to put Him back where He belongs.

I know I am not alone in this, but I hope you've done a better job at keeping Him #1 than I have.

This is me... finding my way back to studying and learning, and hopefully making a difference for the Kingdom of God.

Join me?

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